Widex Moment App

Widex is a Danish company with a history going back to 1956. They are one of the largest and producer of Hearing Aids. I came on board to help build their Moment App for Android and iOS to allow users to control and configure their hearing aids. The App won a Honoree Award at CES 2023

Mindfuel.ai Delight Platform showcasing the Business Lineage data connection visualisation tool




Design Lead


  • Rasmus Soeby  Design Lead
  • Julia Plogh  Designer
  • Salim Mansouri  UX Res.
  • Rune Duschek   Development


App (iOS / Android) Healthcare iOS/Android Figma Design System

I worked with a small but super smart design team based in both Denmark and Germany on the development of this product from conception through to product launch. We utilised Kotlin for delivery of the product across Android and iOS devices.

During development we tested the application flow with various user groups and converted the feedback into actionable insights and features.

We also worked with heavily with the marketing and 3D Industrial Product teams on the creation of helper videos and 3D assets which help guide users with how to guides and instructional videos.

Widex in App Equalizer visualisationWidex Branding Asset - Man SmilingApp page linkage architecture3D Product models produced by the Widex Industrial Product Design Team in DenmarkIllustrations produced by the in house Widex Marketing Design Team which we incorporated into the applicationPart of the output from our in house Design SystemPart of the output from our in house Design System

CES 2023 Honeree Award for Innovation

In 2023 the Widex Moment app received an honoree award for its design and simplicity of use which is a great achievement by all members of the team involved in this project.

The app was tested rigorously with both health care practitioners and sample users to make sure it met the stringent quality and experience standard that Widex is proud to apply across its products, both digital and physical.

Prototyping flows and interactions using FigmaWidex BRand Asset

A well built and thought out mobile device which is still in use today. Check it out yourself on the Google play Store or Apple Store.

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